
September 30, 2017

Old is still gold..

By Anis Albasha

Photo from Pixabay

“There is something unique and distinguished about the 90s, don’t you think so?” that's what I told my wife while watching a new Arabic series which sounded dull and counterfeit at the same time. My wife smiled and said that the old cliché ‘old is gold’ is just a sentimental reflection that has been produced by each generation. She added that our parents had said the same before and most probably our children would feel the same in the future.

Though I was aware of the reason my wife used, I do still believe that there is something different about the 90s. This is not an arbitrary nostalgic feeling by a person who was a teenager during the 90s. Actually, I think that there are some reasons which indicate that the 90s was a remarkable era indeed.

Before the advent of the digital and the satellite television, people in a country like Yemen widely used the analog television. Even during the 90s, the old color TV was used in many parts of the country. In 1993, people started to use the satellite television service in which the signals of this service were received via an outdoor satellite dishes. This technology was considered – at that time- as a unique breakthrough in the TV history and those who were experts in the installation of those dishes got paid very well and were in high demand. Those satellite channels we started to watch in the 90s have opened a magical world for us. Though there were dozens TV channels and many free packages, almost all the TV programs, the serials and the movies we used to watch were distinctive and fascinating.

On the other hand, the process of receiving visual channels has become much easier lately where no complicated installation is required. People can simply buy a smart TV and immediately be able to watch hundreds of channels. However, the content of the TV programs did not develop in parallel with the techniques used to receive them. Most modern serials and TV shows are senseless and inauthentic. For example, all the recent Arabic series revolve around stories and themes which are far from the reality. More to the point, most modern Arabic serials are actually an imitation of the Turkish and the Mexican serials. Conversely, there are many series from the nineties which we still want to see more than once. 

When it comes to music, I think most people from different backgrounds would agree that, no matter what genre, the 90s had some of the best music. The 90s witnessed the rise of the best artists not only in the Arab world, but also at a global level. It is not only about nostalgic feelings we might feel towards some old songs that give us a twinge of pain in our hearts. Actually, there is something special about the nineties’ music. As many people say, the 90s songs do not sound like part of the past, but still linger as representations of the present.

Politically, the 90s was – to some extent- a peaceful decade, at least when compared to the current situations in many parts of the world. It is true that there were some wars and armed conflicts during the 90s. For example, the 90s witnessed the Balkan wars weather the Bosnian War (1992-1995) or the Kosovo War (1998-1999) as well as the Gulf War (1990-1991). However, these conflicts were confined to limited ranges. There was a kind of peace that prevailed once these conflicts ended. But after 2001, the scene has drastically changed and the armed conflicts have become a permanent part in many regions of the world. We shouldn’t forget that in the 90s, there was no factual presence or strong influence of extremist and terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and ISIS!  

From a social perspective, the life in the 90s was simpler and less stressful. Before the advent of the social media, people didn’t have to worry about other people or “followers” finding out about their latest news or posts. Before the social media, communication among people was more intimate and people used to have real relationships and real friends. In addition, during the 90s, modern technology represented in the cell phones and the ipads had not taken over human communication and interaction.

All in all, there is indeed so much to love about the past, particularly about the 90s. It is no wonder that many people feel a twinge of nostalgia towards this decade. Whether we agree with the old saying ‘old is gold’ or not, no one can deny how special the old time was. This point of view might not be exclusive to our generation. It might be repeated by each generation as my wife thinks. It is OK for each generation to feel that their time was so special. Yet, we should also enjoy the moment and try not to dwell deeply in the past. As the fictional character Andy Brand from the U.S. comedy television series, The Office said, “I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them.” 

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