
April 25, 2017

We’ve got a ‘smoky’ situation!

Rasha Almaqaleh

The first time our child knew about smoking was when we were once grocery shopping in the supermarket. He happened to see the graphic photos on the cigarette packs and was utterly disturbed. Later on, we faced a barrage of questions. We tried to answer and satisfy his curiosity just to find out that our answers only produced more questions: “What is a cigarette? Why do people smoke? Why do supermarkets sell cigarettes in the first place if they are too bad and unhealthy?”

As non- smoker parents, this was a good opportunity for us to instill in our child’s mind that smoking is bad and destructive and it negatively affects our bodies and pockets! In order to explain the graphic photos that he came across, we borrowed some children books from the library that show pictures of our bodies and how they work and how smoking affects the mouth, lungs, and so on.

We also showed him YouTube videos which are addressed to kids and explain how dangerous smoking can be. Not only that, but we also told him how cigarettes could lead to fires if one is not careful. Well, maybe we got carried away, but who can blame parents for parenting?

He started to be obsessive about the smoking thing and whenever we were out, he would look left and right to spot smokers. Then one day, when we were at the market, he saw someone smoking. He immediately covered his mouth and nose with his heavy scarf and then shouted hysterically: “There is a smoker here! Call the police!”  Containing our laughter, we explained to him that you don’t call the police when you see someone smoke on the street. He got shocked for a moment then shouted: “then we should call the firemen to put out the cigarette!”

He was very confused and upset and I could see why; in his smart little mind he couldn’t help but wonder how come smoking is dangerous but still allowed by policemen and firemen?! He thinks highly of them and sees them as heroes who keep people safe and keep ‘dangers’ away! So, it made no sense! 

The following days, we spent a lot of time explaining to him that it is prohibited to smoke in certain places such as public buildings, hospitals, public transportation, etc. And we told him that smokers can still go out and smoke. Moreover, we told him that smoking is a choice, yet a very bad one. And there are some people who make bad decisions and choose to harm themselves. On the other hand, there are smart people, like us of course, who know better than to smoke.

We hoped that our explanation made sense to him and helped settle his confusion. But next day, when we were on the way to kindergarten, we passed by a lady who was, THANK GOD, not smoking. My son said to her with a smile “good morning!” A minute later, he said to me: “Mom, we only say good morning to people who don’t smoke, those who smoke we never greet them, right?”

Now that was too much for parents to take! I was really annoyed, not by my innocent little sweet fellow’s questions, but by this crazy smoking world which complicates our parenting job! So, it is my turn now to ask questions!

Those who smoke, why the hell do you smoke??!! It eats up your health and money and it makes you smell horrible! Really HORRIBLE! And it confuses our kids!! And you smoker-parents, do you go to sleep with a clean conscience?

I saw a mom the other day with her three-year old child in front of a furniture store. The mom lit a cigarette and started smoking. And while I was busy judging her for smoking in front of her child and setting a bad example, what seems to be the father joined the mom and also lit a cigarette and smoked. Then, they walked away holding hands with their daughter and their cigarettes! That was such a disturbing view to me. It was as if the little child was walking with two chimneys instead of two parents.

As a person who has zero tolerance for smoking, I wish my child’s suggestion to call the police for smokers were effective. There should be a legal ban on this hideous habit particularly in the presence of kids. Children should be prevented from breathing secondhand smoke as studies showed that it can put them at risk of a number of health problems. 

Children are entitled to breathe clean air and it is also important that they see their parents breathe clean air, too. Exposing children to second hand smoke must be considered an abuse. Therefore, it should be as illegal as spanking.

Until policy makers and smoker parents decide to be responsible enough, we will do our best to educate our child about the risks of smoking and that smokers are people who make a very bad decision every single time they choose to lit a cigarette.

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