
June 30, 2016

What does it take for Europe to hear Yemenis’voice?

Rasha Almaqaleh

  Day after day, Yemenis have come to realize that they are suffering from one of their worst nightmares: foreign invasion, civil war, and global silence. They live in a total chaos and there is clearly no way out as they
are stuck in their isolated faraway homeland. And with the removal of the Saudi-lead coalition from the United Nations annual child-killer list, the world has officially made it clear that no one really cares if Yemeni children suffer and die in Yemen.

  Living in Europe and watching the ‘civilized world’ hardheartedly turn its back on my people, I keep wondering:  What does it take for Yemenis to be seen and heard by Europe?! Does the term 'one world' exist only in FIFA World cup official songs and other world tournaments? Should Yemeni people give up on any hope for getting the attention they deserve? Or, instead of passively waiting, are they supposed to do something to in order for their voice to be heard?  

  Apparently, Europe is not going to care about the horrible ongoing conflict in Yemen unless huge numbers of Yemenis flee their destroyed country and
make the journey to the European Union countries to seek asylum, just like influx of Syrian refugees. Otherwise, it seems impossible to get the ‘civilized world’ to even remember that Yemen exists on the world map. Once Yemenis find a way to escape their borders in huge numbers and arrive at Europe’s beaches , dead or alive , their voice will definitely be  heard. If those children cross the sea by rickety boats and drown, and the waves carry their soft bodies to the beaches of the ‘civilized world’, all the alarm bells will start ringing. Even though Europe will be shocked at first by the huge numbers of the newcomers, which will certainly be called a ‘crisis’, it will be the world’s crisis then and they will struggle to get a handle on it.    

European Union , EU, will call the state members for emergency meetings to discuss the urgent situation . They will sit together and talk about the reasons behind ‘influx of Yemeni refugees’ and they will work hard to come up with solutions. (Yay!)

  Their eyes will be WIDELY open to see how the Saudi-led coalition has completely destroyed what’s left of the Yemeni hardly-stable state using Western arms, and how the Saudi royal family is fueling the civil war and deepening Yemen’s problems. As a result, they will exert real pressure this time on the Saudi regime to stop their aggression against Yemen. Additionally, UN will ‘re-add’ Saudi Arabia to its black list and this time it will be for good! And with the arrival of the first thousand Yemeni refugees on the French territories, France will immediately stop distributing medals of Honor to Saudi war princes.

  In addition, European countries will decide to increase funding for border patrol operations in the Mediterranean Sea and they will come up with new approaches to fight migrant smuggling to stop the rising numbers of Yemeni refugees. Last but not least, EU will propose a new quota system for relocating the huge numbers of Yemeni asylum seekers among EU states and it will positively fail after all.

  Influx of Yemeni refugees will be the number-one headline in all world news outlets. The peoples of Europe will be divided; Some of them will have a welcoming attitude towards the newcomers, some will have doubts and concerns, and some will just take a refusing posture and set their minds and hearts on ‘hate mode’.  But all of that will be beside the point because the word ‘Yemen’ will be one of the most popular keywords on search engines and one of the trending stories.  People will search for more information about the escaped country and they will learn that the city capital of Yemen is called Sana’a and they will memorize the names of the Yemeni cities in which there are ongoing battles. Isn’t that just the punch line? (Ha Ha!)
  To put it briefly, as long as Yemenis stay in Yemen, Europe will continue to be unconcerned, unmoved, and unresponsive. But once Yemenis find a way to arrive on European territories in huge numbers, Europe will wake up and do its best to embrace them and to stabilize the ongoing unrest in their country, including embargo arms to Saudi Arabia. How ‘stylishly hypocrite’ and ‘brutally civilized’ is that?! (Wow!) 

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